Kevin Smith's "Clerks" is a hard-ass serious comedy.
When a movie is dominated by diaglogues, the flooding lines of actors are the real ond only beef served to the audience, and the audience is forced to swallow everything the actors say.
When watching "Clerks," I felt like I were one of the customers buying a chocolate bar at that convenience store and couldn't help overhearing the annoying but entertaining conversations.
Honestly, "Clerks" is a tricky flick. It looks like the story is centered on a character who doesn't have the gut to change his life's directions, but actually it is more depressing than that. All the dumb and smart-ass intentions seem to go nowhere -- everyone is trapped in that suffocating space arguing over nothing.
So, does "Clerks" want to enlighten us that the core of life is emptiness and frustrations? Not necessarily. Behold all of the trivial actions and consequences. Nothing comes from nothing, baby.
The meaning of life, i guess, is what they're arguing about.
It doesn't matter if you're a clerk or a professor, what's important is that you live your life to the fullest.
To me, the Clerks and the Clerks II made me think about my life and my choices. Good movies:)
Probably. Maybe Randal (the guy running the video shop) did try to enjoy what he was doing. Dante (the guy in charge of the grocery store) did complain a lot about what he was doing ^^
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