JUNO is a canning story. I can't help comparing it with "Little Miss Sunshine", as many people did. However, their similar styles didn't put them in the same class of works. "Little Miss Sunshine" might set out to make you laugh on a series of mishaps, but you have to deal with your own afterthoughts; but, "JUNO" seemingly intended to make you feel good for "everything-is-gonna-be-alright" cliche, almost.
JUNO is a likable movie, but I wonder whether that is because of its tons of witty charms. Before you have a chance to ponder upon how their relationships were intertwined with each other and how the conflicts could be resolved, the happy ending is already in the corner.
Anyway, at least watching Ellen Page portray such a lovely while unlucky character is still a pleasant thing.
PS.最近看的電影是bucket list.
沒想到 "Bucket List" 在台灣還蠻受歡迎的啊!:)
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