Just like Peter Pan, Mozart never gets old, or we should say, "Amadeus never dies."
Yes, my confession is that I am a huge fan of Mozart. It will be unwise for me to critique the movie "Amadeus."
"Amadeus" is no doubt something a moviegoer shall never miss. The music, drama, and the everlasting genius-vs-mediocre battles inside of us, comprise an exceptional experience that you can hardly forget.

Under the mask of parodic mockings lies his infinite sadness. However, Mozart never whined about his humiliations and pains, and instead he gave the world his divine music. In his operas, he effortlessly turned vulgar stories into something deeper by his music. What else can we pray for from a musician?
What else can we pray for from a musician?
A good ending...:)
Well said, well said :P
My favorite musician!
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